
Sunday, November 28, 2010

a gift for a new friend

her name is Any Apriany.. i just met her at pasar seni itb. this month she's graduate from UNAS PASIM.I want to give her a present, but i was so busy lately. finally i have a free day :D yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! so i make this doll . i take her photos from facebook (sorry Any,,i take it without your permission :D ) and make the doll based on her photos. and here's the doll. i hope she'll like it.. :)
i use batik for her skirt, and give some ribbon accent for her hijab

happy graduation ^^

i put the doll in a figurine box, and ready to send to her office


  1. senangnya klo bisa dikasih hadiah dari mb' linda..
    pasti gak mengecewakan...heheheh

  2. hehe,, iya mba arien,, mudah2an apa yang udah saya bikin ga ngecewain.. :)

  3. Hi!!! Thanks for your comment on my blog... I just pass here to say thanks! But I get a great sorprise when I see your beituful dolls... There are amazing! My brooches are small... but I tried to do all the details that I can... but comparing with you beutiful dolls are soooo simple! I really like your work. I will follow you!
    Thanks for follow my blog! keep in contact!
    Have a big huge!

  4. hi hicaize,, i really like your brooches too :D , and i follow your blog too..nice to know you ^^


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