
Monday, April 25, 2011

feel so fresh this monday ^^

yesterday, i went to HIMADE NO MATSURI- SENGOKU JIDAI, unpad Jatinangor. i'm so happy ^^ i met indah, mbak arum and her mom , nadia , and indah's friends :D

there's a lot of handmade stuff (i always love handmade!!) , and delicious food ..yumm yummm. tired,, but when i woke up this morning, hehehe,, fresh.

now,, it's time to "bongkar muatan"

i bought this mini bag from PYUR!
. love the colors. love the one who made it , she's a gorgeous woman.

blue bag

yellow and blue

with PYUR! owner

the rest of my money is spent for FOOD.cold noodle, mendoan, okonomiyaki, and many more. ahahahahahaha -_____-" no wonder i can't get slimmer LOL

i got some gifts from some friends. indah brought them.

this one from , thanks mam.. ^^

pretty brooch , and it's blue! yaaaay

yummy pie :9

this green brooch made by mba dew, for me.. XOXO thanks mba..

from Mak Dee , yummy cupcake and elegant bag tag . thanks mak.. love it

aaaannndddd... a very cute bag from indah .uhuhuhu.. thanks ndah

cute pink ^^ , made by Pepoloco

thanks GOD i have a lot of best friends and great life :)

*oooh,,,today is monday??? time to hibernate ZZZzzZzzz.....


  1. Suka warna biru tho mbak?
    Btw, bentar lagi aku pindah ke Bandung nih, cihuuy!

  2. waaah.. asyik.. keren2 euy hadiahnya.. :)

  3. bross hijau nya itu dari dedew
    kmrn dedew titip lewat aku :D

  4. waahhh...banyak amat kadonya.......hepi hepi eui ^_^

  5. @mba lia : iya suka warna BIRU :D asik asiiiik, mau pindah ke bandung euuuy.. pas crafty days tobucil mau dateng gak mba?siapa tau ketemu :D

    iya...hepi,,hepiiiiii.. :)


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